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Plant Tour

Please click the button below to register for conFAIR 2024 and indicate your interest
in the plant tour on October 24th, taking place during conFAIR 2024.

Please note the plant tour is only available after booking a Delegate 2-Day Ticket.


Cost Overview

Tour Type                       Tour price per person                         
Tour A "Forging/Equipment" - Plant visit to Casartelli Antonio srl & Ficep SPA - Start: 08:30 End: 18:00 220,00 €
Tour B "Forging/Steel" - Plant visit to ORI Martin SPA & Casartelli Antonio srl - Start: 08:30 End: 18:30 220,00 €

All indicated prices are gross prices.
Tours are only available after booking a Delegate 2- Day Ticket
Max. 2 person per company
The hosting companies reserve the right to exclude their direct competitors from the tour.

The tour includes:

  • Visit to two different plants
  • Lunch
  • Transportation from and to Melia Milano Hotel



       Legal Organiser & PCO
       Time Change GmbH
       Bogenstraße 54a
       20144 Hamburg


Hosting Confederation

Tobias Hain
Secretary General
EUROFORGE Member Associations